Student Athlete or Athlete Student?
Big news in Dayton yesterday. The DPS school board voted in favor of lowering the GPA requirement for athletic eligibility from 1.5 to 1.0. Over the last decade, the requirement for participation in athletics has gone from 2.0, to 1.7, to 1.0. This item was not on the agenda for this week or next week's regularly scheduled board meeting where there could be public comment or questions. The board or superintendent did not call a town hall meeting with parents or other stakeholders in the community, but opted to schedule a "special meeting" to discuss and vote on this issue. Only one board member voted against the drop. There has been various arguments from different viewpoints, some supporting (or at least understanding why he board voted for this), and others who are completely against it and view it as a disservice to DPS students. According to DPS' public information office, "student athletes who carry a GPA between 1.0 and 1.99 will have to...