This is Sephan's second post,

Building teachers

In class, there was the discussion of Positive reinforcement for teachers.   It was said that Principals do not change schools it is the teachers that change schools.  This was very enlighting and influencial to mee.  I had never though about the change this way.  Even now there is so much enphasis on pricipals changing the climate of the buldings and ensuring that teachers are teaching the right things.  I think there needs to be more enphasis on exactly how does the principals can motivate and chane the teachers.  Like discussed the teacher in the one that is infront of those students in the classrooms.  Think we need to reconizing techers on a quartly basis with some of the same awards for students.  These awards include perfect attendance, most improvented scores, least amout disipline.  These awards should be inconjuction with I cought you doing good messages. Also someone in class brought up the idea of teachers on a regular basis having to recognize another staff member that does something that should be emulated.   I would like to know what are some other ways that we can motivate our most power tool inside the school our teachers.


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